On being a prolific writer II – What does “making a living” mean to YOU?
In the following weeks, I’ll be shining a light on the idea of being a “prolific” writer. Today, I will share the second question I ask when trying to figure out what my clients want from their writing – What does “making a living” mean to you?
Figure out YOUR financial goal
There are so so many articles out there that will tell you about writers who managed to start earning a 6-figure income through their writing, and how you yourself can become as successful within the next 2 to 5 years. Earning that much money through your writing sounds absolutely fabulous, but do you really need that kind of money? Is that truly a goal you have to set for yourself? Or is it far from what you need?
We all know that there are particular standards that differ per country/culture as to what making a living amounts to. There are numbers we look up to, numbers we look down upon, and numbers we would be ok with. Often, however, the numbers we would be ok with are higher than we would need to live our lives comfortably enough (which is the basic meaning of making a living, after all).