Last December, my friend Ethan Freckleton, host of The Fearless Storyteller Podcast, sent me a link to the Fierce Womxn Writing podcast, saying ‘I’ve listened to a couple episodes now, and it strikes me as the kind a podcast that you’d be a good guest for’.
Ethan and I had discussed my dream to be on more podcasts to talk about my coaching work, my tarot books, and my attempt to put my coaching into a book (the result of which is the 52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner), so his suggestion was more than welcome.
What I found, however, was not just a platform I wanted to be on (although I’d love to at some point). I really admired the format, the questions the host asked her guests, and the wide diversity of writers she invited. It resonated so much and on so many levels. I became an instant fan, and I still am.
And I’m ridiculously excited Sara accepted my invitation so I can properly introduce you to the show now.
Sara Gallagher (she/her) is a writing guide who delights in helping adults find their voice and access their creativity. She coaches, teaches workshops, and hosts a weekly podcast called Fierce Womxn Writing where her mission is to inspire you to write more.
Fierce Womxn Writing
Hi, Sara! I’m so excited you took the time out of your day to answer my questions. Tell us, what is the show about?
Fierce Womxn Writing is a podcast that supports your writing practice.
How is the podcast different from everything else out there? What does it add?
The show is focused solely on the creative processes of womxn. Each week, I interview a different author about her writing practice, she reads from her work, and then she ends the show with a prompt for you to use at home.
I love those prompts at the end, they’re such a great feature. So, why did you start the podcast?
Most adults sustained writing wounds that create a barrier to creativity. These wounds were often formed when we received harsh feedback from teachers or classmates, spent years studying the Western Canon, or were implicitly or explicitly told that the topics that interest us aren’t relevant.
We end up thinking we don’t have permission to write. But writing is freedom, and it belongs to all of us. This is why I amplify the voices of living womxn from diverse backgrounds.
If we hear more stories from all types of womxn, if we surround ourselves with their stories, if we support these writers and their success, we can learn to give ourselves permission to fully live as our true creative selves as well. When we show up in the world as our true creative selves, we create real life magic. Writing helped me access my self and my magic, and my podcast is here to help you do that too.
Who will benefit from the podcast?
It’s a podcast that’s ABOUT WOMXN writers FOR EVERYONE who wants to increase their creativity. Most of my listeners are people who want to spend more time writing. Either they’re working on projects and want some support to help them along, or they haven’t written in a long time and are easing back into their practice. Even established authors tell me that they learn from listening to the show and that they appreciate being part of the community.
What is the best writing advice you were ever given?
Something like ten years ago, I went on an artist’s date with the poet Ann Hagerty Davenport. We sat at our favourite restaurant, ate epic clam chowder with buttered rolls, and she introduced me to writing prompts. Before that, I had only journaled or written school assignments.
It was freeing to have a place to start, and to quickly dive in and see what my imagination came up with. I was amazed at the material I was generating in bursts of less than ten minutes. Writing prompts are an essential part of my practice and instruction now, and I’m thankful to Ann for sharing with me this simple entry point to limitless creativity.
So, that explains why you end each show WITH a writing prompt! You’re paying that advice forward 🙂 Again, thank you for your time, Sara. Your podcast is one of my go-to shows and I’m honoured to have you here.
The Fierce Womxn Writing podcast is available on all major platforms including Apple, Spotify, and Google Play. You can also follow the podcast on Instagram.