In Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration: Learn to Nurture a Lifestyle of Creativity (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 5)
, K.M. Weiland, bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction books and mentor of authors, offers tips and tricks to stay inspired as an author. Interestingly, halfway through the book, Weiland admits she doesn’t actually believe writer’s block exists. And that explains a lot.
Despite the title, this is not a book for people who suffer from actual writer’s block. As a mentor of writers who have been or are struggling with it, I can’t help but believe it exists and that it wreaks some serious havoc. The same way there is a difference between feeling the blues and being depressed, there is a difference between a writing rut and writer’s block.
If it’s writer’s block you’re suffering from, Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration: Learn to Nurture a Lifestyle of Creativity (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 5) is far from hands-on enough to actually make you conquer it, no matter what the title promises. Telling people to approach writing with joy, without telling them how to work through all the things that keep them from enjoying it at this very moment, is not enough to get someone who has gotten off track entirely back onto it. It’s a bit like telling people suffering from depression to just cheer up: no matter how well meant, it’s not going to have any effect on the person who’s been trying to cheer up but no longer knows how to.
However, if what you’re suffering from is a writing rut, this book will provide you with a few excellent tips and tricks not just to get inspiration flowing again, but to create a life that invites inspiration all day, every day. Throughout the book, K.M. Weiland debunks myths about inspiration, makes you think about the meaning of success (and how that affects your fear of failure), and provides multiple lists of ways to tap into your subconscious creativity, to create better writing habits, to motivate yourself to write, and to shake things up when needed.
In other words, Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration: Learn to Nurture a Lifestyle of Creativity (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 5) absolutely delivers when it comes to the summoning of inspiration and the creating of a lifestyle that more or less guarantees inspiration to constantly flow. However, despite the book providing a lot, it doesn’t deliver all of what the title leads the reader to believe.
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