This blogpost was originally published as a guest post about the second volume of my 365 Days of Gratitude Journal for Sherry from fundinmental.
My five favourite gratitude quotes
With two gratitude journals out there, I’ve gathered a fair collection of gratitude quotes. In today’s post, I’ll be sharing some of my favourite quotes from both the first and second volume of the 365 Days of Gratitude Journal.
If any of the quotes speak to you and you wish to print them out, I created a high-quality PDF you can find here.
I just love this quote and it’s so in line with the one by Albert Einstein I included in the introduction to the journal: ‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’
Each time I hear or read any of these two quotes, my perspective instantly shifts to something much lighter and joyful and I can’t help but smile.
There’s a reason I put this quote on the cover of the second volume—it hits home every time. I can’t even put my finger on why, it just does. And I know from experience just how truthful this statement is, which is why I get a little bit frustrated with myself each time there’s a lull in my gratitude practice.
It’s a good thing it’s so easy to get back into it!
Back in my student days, I had a conversation with my supervisor about privilege. As a relatively privileged woman—I’m white, cisgender, able-bodied, I can pass as straight, I was getting a higher education—I struggled with those privileges because it all felt a little unfair to me.
I’ll never forget how she responded. She said: ‘There’s no point in feeling bad or guilty about where you came from, because that’s beyond your control. But what you can do is use whatever privilege you happen to have to help dismantle the system that created these privileges in the first place.’
This quote reminds me of that conversation and that I should really use all of my blessings, including my privileges, for the greater good.
Whether this is actually true, I couldn’t tell you, but it’s definitely something I want to believe. At the very least, this quote reminds me to focus on the good things that are happening in my life instead of all the things I’m not as thrilled about, and that always makes me feel better instantly.
This quote is, in a nutshell, why I decided to create a gratitude journal in the first place. We tend to celebrate and express gratitude over the big milestones and large blessings in our lives, but the key to living a grateful life is to learn to notice and be thankful for all those teeny tiny things we so easily take for granted.
What are you grateful for today? Can you name one thing, whether big or small?