Seven Simple Spreads

You are a creator…

…but your creativity could flow more effortlessly.

What keeps blocking your potential? And how can you unlock your creative flow fully?

In her latest work, writing coach Mariëlle S. Smith combines her creative experience, her passion for cardslinging, and her love of chakra philosophy to help you open up to the full extent of your creative potential.

Using the chakra system as a map, Seven Simple Card Spreads to Unlock Your Creative Flow takes you on a trip along the seven main chakras so you can discover what’s hindering your flow on which chakra level, and how you can overcome these chakra-specific obstacles.

Ready for boundless inspiration? Get your copy now.

Seven Simple Card Spreads is a ten-part series that follows the creative journey as told by the tarot’s suit of Wands. Seven Simple Card Spreads to Unlock Your Creative Flow, the first book in the series, zooms in on the Ace of Wands and what needs to heal to welcome in that card’s infinite creativity.

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Your creativity is sparking…

…but you have no idea what to do with all that inspiration.

What should you direct your energy towards? And how do you turn your dreams into plans?

In the second book in her new series, writing coach Mariëlle S. Smith combines her creative experience, her passion for cardslinging, and her love of chakra philosophy to help you find your creative way.

Using the chakra system as a map, Seven Simple Card Spreads to Direct Your Creative Flow takes you on a trip along the seven main chakras so you can discover what’s been blurring your creative vision on each chakra level, and how you can overcome these chakra-specific obstacles.

Ready to embrace your path? Order your copy now.

Seven Simple Card Spreads is a ten-part series that follows the creative journey as told by the tarot’s suit of Wands. Seven Simple Card Spreads to Direct Your Creative Flow, the second book in the series, zooms in on the Two of Wands to help you get clear on the path ahead.

Get your paperback or eBook copy here.
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Knowing the creative path ahead…

…you’ve left your comfort zone behind.  

But where to find the courage to get you through these uncertain times? How to build the confidence needed to take those necessary risks?

In the third book in her Seven Simple Spreads series, writing coach Mariëlle S. Smith combines her creative experience, her passion for cardslinging, and her love of chakra philosophy to help keep your head high and back straight as you navigate the unknown.

Using the chakra system as a map, Seven Simple Card Spreads to Boost Your Creative Confidence takes you on a trip along the seven main chakras so you can discover what’s blocking your confidence on each chakra level, and how you can overcome these chakra-specific obstacles.

Ready to harness your creative courage and go after those dreams full throttle? Get your copy now.

Seven Simple Card Spreads is a ten-part series that follows the creative journey as told by the tarot’s suit of Wands. Seven Simple Card Spreads to Boost Your Creative Confidence, the third book in the series, zooms in on the Three of Wands to help you carry on with determination when the going gets tough.

Get your paperback or eBook copy here.
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Those creative risks you’ve been taking lately?

They are finally paying off!

But how do we slow down and celebrate how far we’ve come? Is there even a point when we still have so long to go?

In the fourth book in her Seven Simple Spreads series, writing coach Mariëlle S. Smith combines her creative experience, her passion for cardslinging, and her love of chakra philosophy to help you fully acknowledge your creative wins, big and small.

Using the chakra system as a map, Seven Simple Card Spreads to Celebrate Your Creative Wins takes you on a trip along the seven main chakras so you can discover what’s keeping you from savouring your creative wins on each chakra level, and how you can overcome these chakra-specific obstacles.

Ready to fully bask in the glory of your creative success? Get your copy now.

Seven Simple Spreads is a ten-part series that follows the creative journey as told by the tarot’s suit of Wands. Seven Simple Card Spreads to Celebrate Your Creative Wins, the fourth book in the series, zooms in on the Four of Wands to help you start celebrating every creative step on the path so it can sustain you to the very end.

Get your paperback or eBook copy here.
Prefer a PDF you can print yourself? Get it on Etsy or visit my own shop.