Joanna Penn’s Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur – Review
You all know I’m a fan of Joanna Pen—I said so before—and I recently even became a supporter of The Creative Penn Podcast through Patreon. Because of my monthly pledge, I now have free access to all her e-books and audiobooks, and it’s so worth it. The first book I listened to (which was literally the first book I ever listened to) was Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur
. I believe it’s the only book she narrated herself, and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to try that one out. Not that there is anything wrong with the narrator she uses now, but Penn’s voice is such a part of my daily life, I can’t help but enjoy listening to it. After all, it’s the voice that made me take my writing seriously. She also writes the way she speaks—I think so, anyway—which makes for an easy listen.
I like big books…
Remember my initial disappointment at the length of The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey? Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur
is twice as long! I’m sorry, I just like big books…
Knowing Penn’s straightforward, cut-to-the-chase writing style, I knew it meant the book offered crazy amounts of information. And that it does. It shouldn’t have surprised me, but it’s such a complete reference book, and it discusses so many scenarios, I’d argue that all serious writers can benefit from it, whether they intend to walk in Penn’s business-minded footsteps or not.Read More →