On developmental editing
Mariëlle delivered a full developmental edit on my cozy mystery MURDER ON LOAN this past winter. When I sent it to her, I knew it had problems— there were places in the manuscript that didn’t work. I probably could have fiddled with it by myself for another year, but I’d have lost a year and still not articulated the problems as well as Mariëlle did. Her evaluation clarified my next steps, and it helped me understand why some things weren’t working in the novel. She asked thoughtful questions throughout the manuscript which guided my revisions. I have been overwhelmed in revision in the past, but this time, in just a few months of revision I am almost finished with a third draft and moving forward in the process much faster than ever before. I am so thankful to have found a strong, responsive, and invaluable developmental editor in Mariëlle. I will definitely be hiring her again.
Sue Larkins Weems, the United States