On developmental editing
What is the top priority of a relationship between myself, the author, and my editor? Everything! Marielle is the perfect editor for me. She knows her craft. My three book series needed help in the story structure. Marielle did the developmental edit for each book and for the series overall. Her suggestions have been spot on. She has helped tighten my story and how I tell it by keeping me on track and consistent in my voice. Good job there, thanks!
Her communication has been outstanding. She's always been timely and quick to answer any of my questions. Just as important to me is her sense of humor. She understands.
One of my original concerns was my writing in American English and Marielle is in the Netherlands. No worries, she is proficient – way ahead of me. All in all, I'm a very happy camper. I look forward to a long relationship with her in my camp and hoping she'll stay with me through my writing career.
Randy L. Scott, the United States